News from the Capitol

The Legislative Insider is published during the Legislative Session by the Georgia Dental Association. It contains updates on the activities of GDA's Government Affairs team as well as information about bills relevant to dentists and patient care.

A Message from the President- April 1

Apr 4, 2024

Hello and happy April members,


To quote Matthew McConaughey, “Alright, alright, alright!”


That being said, I hope that this latest email finds you “alright.” So let’s recap March. As usual, it was an extremely busy month that included a HOSA meeting, a Board of Trustee’s meeting, the Hinman, multiple district officer’s meetings, and on top of that it was spring forward month of Daylight Saving Time.

For those of you not familiar with HOSA-Future Health Professionals (formally known as Health Occupations Students of America), it is an international student organization that actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry.


For three days, beginning on February 29th, the brightest high school students gathered in Atlanta to learn about the different health-related professions, including dentistry. I was accompanied by Mary Busby, Kaitlyn McKenzie and Carol Galbreath to man a table at this amazing event in order to present all the opportunities available in the field of dentistry. We met some extraordinary young people and were able to share firsthand the benefits of choosing dentistry as a lifelong career. The future of dentistry is now, and we have to be proactive in promoting to the next generation the rewards of our profession in order to alleviate the shortages (especially office support staff) we face both now and in the future.

Your GDA Board met this past month in Atlanta, and I can report that it was an outstanding and productive two days. The most important item was that we named Kristen Morgan as our fully stated Executive Director, voting unanimously to remove the “interim” tag from her job description. We are extremely fortunate to have such an amazingly talented and dedicated person to steer our organization. There’s no doubt that with Kristen at the helm, we will enjoy great success for many years to come. Please join me in congratulating Kristen on her new position!!

I hope all of you had the chance to attend at least a portion of the Hinman meeting this year. As usual, it was a wonderful event with great speakers and an unbelievable exhibit hall! Personally, I was able to catch Dr. Gordon Christensen and nationally known nutritionist Dr. Tieraona Low Dog. They were both exceptional! Also, one of my goals this year was to strengthen the bonds and communications with the Hinman Society. GDA’s Executive Director, Kristen Morgan, and I were honored to have a meeting with Hinman leadership that included their President, Dr. Troy Schulman, President-Elect Dr. Slade Lail, and Hinman Executive Director, Lynn Leidel. It was a fantastic meeting with robust conversation as to how we can collaborate moving forward.


March saw the close of the 2024 legislative season and the GDA had a good year. Our tele-dentistry bill passed through both houses with flying colors and was sent to the Governor’s office for signing. We were able to quash a potential bill that would have removed mandated fluoride in the state water supply, and we made strides toward helping Medicaid. We have much to do to prepare for the 2025 legislative session and a priority is assuring that our contact dentist program flourishes.

I know that news of the second dental school was surprising to everyone including our colleague and friend, Representative Lee Hawkins. Even with unexpected setbacks, we have to stick together as an organization in order to keep our voices strong for not only this issue, but the ones to come. If we fail to stay united as a dental community, then we will surely suffer. To quote Pink Floyd from the song “Hey You,” “Together we stand, divided we fall.”

We have much to be thankful for, but the work never stops. Please stay involved and engaged. If I or any member of leadership can be of service, never hesitate to reach out.



Jamie Mitchell, DMD